December 29, 2017 @ 7:30 pm
closeAuthor: Kvatch
Name: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: District of Columbia, Politics, Protest, Taxes
…in order to fuck the Blue States and urban areas—in short…areas of the country where their political opponents live. Today I used the tax code to enrich the coffers of the city in which I live with an early property tax payment. I fucked the U.S. government and the Trump Administration out of a little over $1.2K in Federal tax dollars.
Perhaps the IRS can pull that money back from Mississippi, or Montana, or Kentucky, Trump-supporting states that get way more in Federal dollars than they pay in taxes.
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October 9, 2017 @ 9:11 am
closeAuthor: Kvatch
Name: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: History, Politics, Uncategorized
Celebrating Columbus Day is a disgraceful exercise in historic revisionism.
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September 24, 2017 @ 12:36 pm
closeAuthor: Kvatch
Name: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: Politics, Protest, google上网助手手机版手机, Trump
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Colin Kaepernick is right to protest this…as should we all.
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June 18, 2017 @ 7:48 am
google上网助手手机版手机Author: Kvatch
Name: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: History, Politics, Rights
America does face a threat of political violence. It does not come, by and large from baby boomer evangelicals in Montana. Nor does it come from President Trump, whatever his flaws… The threat today comes from the progressive left and its growing enthusiasm for force as a political tool.
Tucker Carlson, Fox News, 05/25/2017
As we have seen the secular left rise and hostility within it rise, it has become a threat to domestic order, and to this administration.
Lou Dobbs, Fox Busniess, 06/14/2017
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Lou Dobbs, Lou Dobbs Tonight, 06/14/2017
Some on the hard left understand this, and that’s exactly why they support it, because political violence could lead to the dissolution of a country they despise.
Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, 06/15/2017
There is a historical parallel… This is exactly the same sort of toxic rhetoric the Hutu-led government promoted in Rwanda for two years prior to the call for their supporters to grab their machetes. The murder of almost a million Tutsi and moderate Hutu men, women, and children followed.
Dobbs and Carlson are part of a modern Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM).
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January 24, 2017 @ 1:12 am
closeAuthor: Kvatch
google上网助手手机版: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: Politics, Trump
Trump declares January 20th, the day of his inauguration:
National Day of Patriotic Devotion
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google上网助手手机版手机: Kvatch Kopf
谷歌上网助手安卓版 kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: Elections, Politics
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January 18, 2017 @ 5:05 pm
closeAuthor: Kvatch
Name: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
谷歌上网助手安卓版 Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: Health, Law, Politics
Before the Affordable Care Act, estimates were that 45,000 people died every year for lack of adequate insurance. We’ll be there again very soon.
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January 13, 2017 @ 6:53 am
谷歌访问助手安卓插件: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: Politics, Trump
As the inauguration approaches, I’ve been trying to put my finger on which of the many things that bother me about Trump I find most objectionable, and here it is:
No matter the circumstances—whether it’s a press conference, rally, or tweet from the crapper—no matter the subject, regardless of the audience, every time Trump opens his mouth…SOMEONE IS HARMED!
It’s simple: Our president-elect thrives on hurting people.
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December 13, 2016 @ 6:27 pm
closeAuthor: Frogette
手机谷歌上网助手破解版 mrskvatch@gmail.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: See Authors Posts (266)
Category: Energy, Politics

President Elect Donald Trump is naming Rick Perry, yes that Rick Perry as the head of the Department of Energy. The department he planned to close down, but couldn’t name while on the campaign trail. I wonder if he will be able to find his way to his office on the first day.
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Traitors for Trump
December 10, 2016 @ 12:46 pm
closeAuthor: Kvatch
Name: Kvatch Kopf
Email: kvatch@3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
Site: http://3mrhfa.wcbzw.com
About: Liberal commentator and the most prominent denizen of the 'Frogsphere'.See Authors Posts (337)
Category: Law, Politics, Trump
Republicans, Trump supporters, the RNC, and the oligarch-elect himself, all seem to be fine with the behavior of traitors…as long as their party benefits at the expense of the majority.
FBI Director James Comey needs to be investigated, prosecuted, and have his ass tossed in jail for about the next 50 years for sitting on evidence of Russian RNC hacking. This isn’t some abstract matter. Russian intelligence put its thumb on the scale of a US election and Republicans will let it slide since they benefited.
How do we define traitors again?
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